Be kind to the old man

Brandon D. Wilson
2 min readJan 23, 2021


I have an update for those of you who have been following my journey to better health.

In March of 2020, I announced that I had reversed type 2 diabetes. Based on my lab work at the time, my doctor and I agreed that I was in a post-diabetes status, earned through a strict, medically-supervised ketogenic diet.

Then something called the Coronavirus came onto the scene, and we all know how that worked out. But I won’t use that as an excuse.

At the end of 2020, I had some lab work done again. Unfortunately, my numbers have been going in the wrong direction. My glucose levels put me squarely back into the category of diabetes. How disappointing.

I realized that the extreme measures I took to reach a post-diabetes status are not sustainable for the long term. I also realized that it’s too easy for me to slip into old habits and regress into being dangerously unhealthy again.

It’s easy to make decisions that affect me in the moment. I want instant gratification like everyone else. It’s much harder thinking about how decisions I make today will affect me decades from now. I need a constant reminder that my choices today will have consequences. I use a phrase to help remind me.

Be kind to the old man.

Today, I am paying for the choices I made weeks and months and years ago. Similarly, the choices I make today are going to affect me years in the future.

In order to stay committed to improving my health and wellbeing, in October 2020 I started a weekly newsletter called Be Wellthy. In this newsletter, I share what I am learning about the topics that most influence our health.

  • Sleep
  • Food as fuel
  • Physical activity for the confessed couch potatoes
  • Brain health
  • Biohacking using the latest research and gadgets
  • Mindset (Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.)

Health is our greatest asset. Ignoring it only postpones the inevitable. An obsessive focus on health is not good either. We need a balance. We also need a few laughs along the way.

If you are interested in joining me on this journey, you can read more about it and subscribe here: What does it mean to be wellthy?

As always, thank you for reading!



Brandon D. Wilson
Brandon D. Wilson

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