Hello John. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my story and share these resources. I agree with you it’s not enough to take short-term measures because this needs to be a true lifestyle change for long term results. I am familiar with Dr. McDougall, Dr. Ornish, and Dr. Fuhrman. Right now my focus is losing weight and being more physically active. Once I reach that goal then I will need to figure out what lifestyle I need to maintain that weight and be healthier overall. I’ll be honest. I hear the words “plant-based” and my mouth puckers like a kid refusing to eat brussel sprouts. Yes I need to work on eating more fruits and vegetables, but transitioning to a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle from where I have been all my life is rather daunting to say the least. Maybe I’ll try some of that vegemite that’s all the rage down under. :) Thanks again!