9th Annual Biohacking Conference Recap

Brandon D. Wilson
7 min readJun 28, 2023
Electronic banner displayed in the main entry of the convention center for the Biohacking Conference in Orlando.

I returned to Arizona on Sunday afternoon after a whirlwind experience in Orlando, Florida. Dave Asprey & team knocked it out of the park! I am wiped out and still processing my experiences over the last four days. Allow me to share some highlights.

I received the incredible VIP gift bag upon checking in. I am familiar with some products, while others are brand new to me.

All the goodies included in the VIP gift bag at the biohacking conference.
VIP gift bag

I started each day with a trip to the Danger Coffee Bar, which served unlimited coffee (Bulletproof-style) until 3:00. Little did I know Dave Asprey would be serving me a cup.

Father of Biohacking Dave Asprey pouring a cup of Danger Coffee for me.
Dave Asprey’s Danger Coffee is delicious, and I feel amazing after drinking it.

Why is it called Danger Coffee? Who knows what you might do after you drink it? You might become a dangerous person.

I’m unsure whether I transformed into a dangerous person, but I felt good and primed for the speakers each day. Let’s get right to one of my…



Brandon D. Wilson
Brandon D. Wilson

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