John, I just gave you the maximum claps for your response! I am in 100% agreement with you about meeting people where they are and identifying the strategies that will work best for them. When it comes to core things like diet and physical activity, people have accumulated years and years of experience being a certain way. Many people do try the 0–60 approach, and some may achieve short-term results but do the results remain long term? Take the US show The Biggest Loser, which touts tremendous weight loss in a short period of time for the contestants, but how many of them kept the weight off long term?
I think the same approach applies to physical activity. I’m the guy who has nightmares about being back in PE class in high school. Going to a gym is daunting. All the trainers remind me of the jocks who bullied me and tagged me in dodgeball. Years ago I decided to work with a trainer to learn techniques and exercises, and he applied the 0–60 approach. The next day I woke up and felt like I was in a car crash. Needless to say I did not last very long at that gym.
I applaud you for altering your strategy to support your clients. I am thrilled that there are organizations like yours dedicated to helping people lead healthier lives.
All the best.