When life gives you lemons, why make just lemonade?

Brandon D. Wilson
4 min readMay 30, 2017

“When fate hands you a lemon, make lemonade.” — Dale Carnegie

We have all heard this phrase and variations of it many times. When you experience negative circumstances, turn them into something positive. This adage implies that lemons = bad and lemonade = good. I say when life gives you lemons, enjoy the lemons! What’s this about lemonade? Sure lemonade is good, but I am sticking up for the lemons.

Some health benefits of lemon

Health benefits of lemon from www.organicfacts.net

Organic or not organic?

Buy organic lemons if you are planning to use the peels for baking or drinks. Otherwise non-organic is fine.

How to handle lemons

Store lemons at room temperature. If you’re not using a juicer or extractor, use your hand (or paw, you animal) to roll the lemon several times on a hard surface. This action breaks down the fibers and makes it easier to extract the juice. Here is another tip: Put the lemon in the microwave on medium power for 10–15 seconds before squeezy squeeze.

No lemons? No problem!

Change your water from boring to roaring by adding some lemon juice. Get a bottle of Italian Volcano pure organic lemon juice. Avoid the lemon juice sold in fake plastic lemons. That juice contains various preservatives and chemicals that are no bueno.

Are you a frequent traveler? My go-to lemon source on the road is True Lemon. True Lemon contains crystallized lemon and is the same as one wedge per packet. Pour one packet in a bottle of water for a refreshing thirst quencher that is better than Gatorade without all the sugar.

Instead of using salt or black pepper when cooking at home, try using lemon pepper. This is a low-sodium option that is great for meat, poultry, and seafood.

Ever hear someone say, “He’s eating those pills like candy”? I eat candy like candy. Ferrera Pan’s Lemon Heads used to be the gold standard. Unfortunately, they have become a lot smaller and don’t taste like they did in the good ol’ days. I prefer Brach’s lemon drops. For gum, Ice Breakers Cool Lemon Ice Cubes deliver a great flavor without sugar.

Did someone say Happy Hour? A lemon drop martini with top-shelf vodka is always a crowd pleaser. In Italy, a popular liqueur made from lemons is called Limoncello. Why not lemoncello? The Italian word for lemon is limone. Limoncello is usually served chilled as an after-dinner drink or used as a mixer in cocktails. Limoncello provides a strong lemon flavor without the bitterness of pure lemon juice.

If you have an aromatic diffuser, use a few drops of lemon oil to increase alertness and concentration.

These are just a few of my favorite ways to satisfy that lemon craving.

The peak of lemons in pop culture may have been the summer of 1997. U2’s POPMART tour featured a forty-foot tall mirror ball lemon. The lemon was driven to the center of the stage. It slowly opened to reveal the band members inside, each one descending a ladder to start the second act.


While listening to U2’s Lemon from the 1993 album Zooropa, chew some lemon gum, eat some lemon drops, inhale diffused lemon oil, and sip on a lemon-drop martini (or lemon water for those not alcohol-inclined). Yes I have done this, and my lips and mouth puckered inward and facial muscles collapsed for awhile. Try at your own risk.

Let’s hear it for lemons! There are so many health benefits and ways to use lemons. You should be adding lemons and lemon products to your virtual shopping cart online or your real shopping cart at the local Piggly Wiggly.

The next time you hear someone say, “When life gives you lemons…,” stop her and say, “Sure, I’ll take them. Lemonade is just the beginning.”

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